Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Are You Ready?

You pray for a King but are you ready,

You want him, his thick skin, his long beard, his strong arms, his deep voice, but are you ready?

Are you ready to let him lead, to truly be able to take a deep breath and a step back and utter the words "he's got this, I trust him I believe in him, I support him, with him I fail and with him I succeed!"

What's yours is his, and his is yours, making his life easier is no chore, to show your love in him when he's around and miss him the minute he walks out of that door..

Say amen if you're ready..

You see, I know you've been hurt, and regaining that trust takes hard work, but please, work with us, let us be your breath of fresh air..

Let him see inside your soul, and find what troubles you, be open to his warm embrace so that he can comfort you, again, I ask are you ready?

Ready to start your journey with him as your guide, ready for a life of truths and no lies, baby, are you ready... ~J.M/Are you ready