So imagine you’re at a lake. Women represent Fisherman. Each woman has their own boat with a fishing rod.
Below the water are the men who represents the fish. Certain men have more to offer/less baggage and that makes them more desired and sought after.
So Women throw their line in the water using bait. Their bait consists of their beauty, their youth, their ability to nurture, etc. The more a woman has to offer, the more men flock to this bait, leaving a lot of other women who have less to offer/more baggage unbothered.
So sooner or later, the women who aren’t attracting much action say “screw this, I’m jumping in the water, I’m tired of waiting, all of these women have less to offer than me underneath the surface, if only I can get ahead of them somehow.”.
But now, evolution has taken place. Not only are there men in the water, there are women too. With that, now there are men saying “screw this”, every time I see the kind of bait I like, 100 other men flock to it and it’s hard for her to even see me and what really sets me apart if she’s constantly trying to fend off all of these unworthy individuals.
So, he gets his own boat, his own fishing pole and attached to it, his own bait. His bait consists of his ability to protect, lead, and provide, along with charisma, style, power, confidence, etc.
So he tosses his line in the water and gets criticized by the other women who finally see his value.
“Hey, you’re not suppose to be up here, get back down in the water! That’s not masculine, that’s not what REAL men do. I refuse to come to a man!”
But this man has so many women on his line trying to go for his bait that it’s intriguing to many of these other women, and women who are competitive by nature, begin to turn their attention towards this man and what he has to offer, even if only for those competitive reasons.
This is how the average man has started to win in today’s society and why men who take this approach are shamed. It has nothing to do with him being less of a man, but more so about taking advantage of the platforms we’ve been given.
So instead of the typical approach where you see someone you like and begin to audition for their interest in you, be seen and be active. Showcase your talents and your mindset and not to any one in specific, but to everybody. If you're intriguing enough, you'll begin to stand out and that ultimately leads to creating your own value. Value attracts value.
God bless.
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