Sunday, January 27, 2019

Venus vs Mars: A Simple Law of Attraction

"Why is she with him?"

"He's so lucky to have such a beautiful woman"

"She could do so much better than him, she's way too beautiful!"

"He must be rich!"

Anytime a woman is surprised that a semi attractive man is with a very attractive woman, it just tells me she's probably doomed for life when it comes to dating. If you ask the intelligent individuals what they think, they'll understand why.

A man's attractiveness only begins at the surface. Intelligent women seek providers, protectors, guys with status, guys with charisma, guys that have a sense of humor etc. All of this contributes to a man's attractiveness. This stuff can last forever, even after her wrinkles set in, and her body starts breaking down.

Women, for the most part, have a small window to seek the highest value male they'll ever be able to attain in their lifetime. The smart ones know this and capitalize during this time frame by making smart choices in men.

I say, it's the natural order for a man to match his attractiveness in intangibles with her attractiveness in the physical. She should be more physically attractive than he is, or he's simply doing it wrong.

God bless 💯

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