Monday, January 28, 2019

5 tips to attracting the opposite sex on social media

   It's no secret, many people struggle with dating on line in general. Some prefer dating apps while others prefer social media. I myself prefer social media because it allows me to meet and engage with others organically as oppose to having a conversation and getting to know someone strictly for the purpose of dating. But even then, the platforms are flooded with competition and unless you can set yourself apart, it will be very hard to be noticed.

Below I'm going to list some easy tips that will help people with online dating.

1. Presentation - this is the most important aspect of dating on social media. For the most part, if you're the new guy on the scene, or if someone else is new, they will see your profile pic and click on it to enlarge it to see what you look like. Make sure you're dressed nicely, you have a full body photo of yourself and preferably not one where you're taking a picture in the mirror. find a photo of yourself when you're active and doing something that you love and put that as your profile picture. For instance, if you like to hike, find a photo of yourself when you were hiking and make that your profile picture.

2. Showcase - there's nothing worse than clicking on someone's profile just to see that their entire page is locked up. Trust me, I understand the importance of being private to some degree. But if you're out here looking to meet somebody, you need to let them in on a little bit about yourself. Make sure there are some photos outside of the profile pic that you already have up. unlock some of your posts so that people can see what you're about. If you're into politics and you're always speaking about politics, unlock a couple of those posts so people can get a feel about you. Whatever it is that you're into. You never know who you might have something in common with.

3. Being proactive - not a day goes by on social media where I don't see someone complaining about not having luck finding someone. And many times, the issue is they aren't putting themselves out there to be seen. You can't always be the person commenting under somebody else's posts and expecting to be seen. That is a reactive approach and there's nothing wrong with that if you add on to that, being proactive. Make some of your own posts, with your own thoughts. Let people come to you instead of you always going to them.

4. Be thought-provoking - this is in addition to the last tip. Once you start making posts, don't just post memes all day. Post something that'll get people to think. Ask questions, create scenarios. Get people to engage intellectually. Use the memes and other things to get people to laugh. But if you want people to actually notice you and approach you, be original and thought-provoking.

5. Being social - be outgoing. Don't be afraid to go places by yourself. Get dressed, post a picture, tell the group you're going to be here or there and if anyone would like to join you, feel free to. If someone comes, cool. If nobody does, cool as well. The point is, you are getting out and letting people know that you have a social life. And you're not putting any pressure on any body to join you but you're leaving an open invitation. Most of the time, someone will eventually message you, even if not for that particular event, but Just because they see you getting out and you're interesting enough to get to know.

I hope this helps and Best of luck to all 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Venus vs Mars: A Simple Law of Attraction

"Why is she with him?"

"He's so lucky to have such a beautiful woman"

"She could do so much better than him, she's way too beautiful!"

"He must be rich!"

Anytime a woman is surprised that a semi attractive man is with a very attractive woman, it just tells me she's probably doomed for life when it comes to dating. If you ask the intelligent individuals what they think, they'll understand why.

A man's attractiveness only begins at the surface. Intelligent women seek providers, protectors, guys with status, guys with charisma, guys that have a sense of humor etc. All of this contributes to a man's attractiveness. This stuff can last forever, even after her wrinkles set in, and her body starts breaking down.

Women, for the most part, have a small window to seek the highest value male they'll ever be able to attain in their lifetime. The smart ones know this and capitalize during this time frame by making smart choices in men.

I say, it's the natural order for a man to match his attractiveness in intangibles with her attractiveness in the physical. She should be more physically attractive than he is, or he's simply doing it wrong.

God bless 💯