The man has all of the cards BEFORE commitment. Because ultimately, what most men are looking for can be bought whether directly or indirectly with no emotional attachment and can also be found in women who've given into their own desires. What a woman is looking for cannot be bought, she needs emotional investment from a man and for a good man, she will go through leaps and bounds for due to scarcity. However, once commitment comes into play and she's caught her prey, she begins a series of tactics that contribute to a man losing his power little by little. I'll list these layers of commitment below:
1. Dating exclusively
2. Moving in together
3. Marriage
4. Kids
After step 4, he might as well tattoo her name on his balls.
Ultimately, a man's safe zone is the non-exclusive date zone. Do NOT cross into the dating exclusively zone if you want to continue to keep your power. Wait until after your prime (45) to settle down like women do after their primes(30)
The primes are reversed. Women hit our primes later than men. Guys peak long before we do.