Saturday, April 20, 2019

Hypergamy vs Loyalty: The unpopular opinion

  1. the quality of being loyal.

    "her loyalty to her husband of 34 years"
    • a strong feeling of support or allegiance.
      plural noun: loyalties

    • I think most of my life, I was conditioned to believe that women were inherently good and loyal. After all, It's usually the women that have to put up with the cheating and abuse in relationships and for the most part, they'll stick through it. When a woman typically settles down with a man, it's because she see's something in him that makes him valuable to her survival. These are the natural instincts of a woman. This is what the term hypergamy is referencing. A woman is more likely to put up with a man who’s polygamous in nature when his resources make him the best available option to her. When his value lowers or hers raises, the dynamic changes and her nature kicks in. He becomes less attractive and she sets her sights on the next best available option. When you examine this behavior and compare it to the definition of loyalty, we come to find out that it’s actually the furthest thing from it. The truth is, women are about as loyal as their options allow them to be. As long as you remain to be “that dude” in her eyes, you’ll be in good standing with her. But if her loyalty is conditional based, is it really loyalty? 

      Men are more likely to stay with a woman even when he’s lost attraction to her. When a man isn’t happy, his polygamous nature is more likely to kick in but he returns home and he’ll continue to do so until she one day decides to leave him. This is why women indeed initiate the majority of breakups. 

      “Until recently, studies had only been done on the breaks-ups of heterosexual married couples, and it had been found that the leading gender who initiated these break-ups were female.
      As part of his analysis, Rosenfeld found that women initiated 69 percent of all divorces, compared to 31 percent for men. In contrast, there was not a statistically significant difference between the percentage of breakups initiated by unmarried women and men, regardless of whether they had been cohabitating with their partners. Since the 1940’s, women have been the dominant initiator of divorce. It is thought that this is because women are more sensitive to relationship problems than men.” -Women and Men: Whose More Likely to Initiate a Break Up?
      By Mike Bundrant 

      Have you ever heard the term “happy wife happy life”? Well, as unfair as that concept is, it’s not entirely untrue. Women are not conditioned to remain in relationships where they are unhappy while we men are. Our leashes are incredibly short when we date up. By dating up, for men, I’m referring to men who date women with more resources than him. When his resources are greater, this affects her overall state of happiness and influences her ability to remain “loyal” to him. To her, you’re easily replaceable because you’re merely an accessory to her already established lifestyle. 

      If you need further proof of women and their hypergamous nature, simply study women who believe they can take the taken man away from his woman. She attempts to pry information from him about his situation in hopes that she can highlight certain attributes in her character to make herself more valuable than his woman. If his relationship is lacking sex, she will become more freaky, aggressive, and a more willing sex partner. If his wife never cooks, she will be a chef to him. And at the end of the day, he still doesn't leave, she becomes upset, and this is where the drama ensues. To her, she played her cards right based on her belief in hypergamy and how it relates to a woman’s true nature. But men simply do not think this way. A man who initiates a breakup probably does so because he’s simply sick and tired of her shit, not because he found a better option. On the flip side, men are often blindsided by women who opt to leave because men believe that as long as they are good guys, and put their woman first, she’ll remain as loyal to him as he is to her. It doesn't matter how good of a man you are, if your resources diminish or she has reached the point to where she knows she can attain a man with more resources, you will become more unattractive to her and she will eventually level up. (This is when she starts picking little fights with you about things that never mattered before).

      • Ironically, men are often referred to as dogs, and as derogatory as that term may be, it’s pretty accurate based on our nature. Dogs are considered one of the most loyal household pets if not the most loyal. “A dog may roam but he always returns home”. It's also why when a lot of men cheat, they can either cheat up or down because it's never their intention to level up. They are simply looking for a release, not an escape. Ask most women what they think about the woman that their man cheated on them with for reference.

      So when you actually study the nature of men and women, you come to the conclusion that men might actually be the more loyal sex. Because marriage, for better or for worse, until death do us part, is all conditional based when it comes to the other side.

      You tell me. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Conspiracy or...? Examining The murder of Nipsey Hussle

I’m not here to talk about what I think as much as I am what we all actually know. Rumors have been floating around about the reason for the death of LA's very own Nipsey Hussle.

The conspiracy theorists are coming out in full force giving their own reasoning for this “mysterious” murder. But is it really all that mysterious being that these kinds of things happen every day in the hood? It just so happened to be to someone who has a high profile this time. It’s hard to think that his demise comes down to something as simple as a normal dispute in the hood. Something that one of us could go through. He was too important, many looked at him as a savior. So there has to have been a crucifix somewhere, right?

He was a pillar of his community who spent his money on investing into the community he was from. He was working on several other real estate projects at the time of his death as well as a documentary on Dr. Sebi’s cure for Aids. Let’s examine that.

1. There are hundreds of videos on Dr. Sebi and his work on the internet, free for anyone to view. If the government thought this information was big enough to take out a figure as prolific as Nipsey was, wouldn’t they also invest some of this energy into getting these videos removed or at the very least, shadow banned? We’ve seen that happen for smaller matters.
2. I have dedicated a lot of time to researching nutrition and in the course of doing so, have come across several individuals with a huge following in the medical field speaking on the cures for cancer and diabetes. These guys weren’t murdered. In fact, they are free to make more videos. I get notifications from these people every week. Surely, a cure for preventing cancer would be as big or bigger than the cure for Aids. Same with diabetes. Right?
3. In the aftermath of all of this, there’s still a spotlight being put on Dr. Sebi, so what did the government and big Pharma really accomplish by murdering Nipsey if the goal was to keep this information under wraps? Absolutely nothing. I’m sure in these last few days, every “Dr. Sebi” video on YouTube has doubled or tripled.

I’ve heard the conspiracy theorist speak about how the bullet wounds on Nipsey's body were the work or a government Hitman. But when you examine the video, you’ll see that this was nothing but an ordinary civilian with revenge on his mind. I mean, how many Hitmen are going to kick their target in the head after eliminated them. Seems rather personal, not simply business. Besides, why would the government employ this guy to do the job just to have his face plastered all over television and social media less than 24 hours after committing this crime. Why would the government give out information on one of its mules when that person has essential information that could expose their plan? It would be in their best interest to either kill him off themselves or hide & protect him, no? The murders of Tupac and Biggie are still technically unsolved(even though the hood solved these murders long ago). You’d at the very least have a point in mentioning a government cover-up with those murders, not this one though.

..Ironically, as I’m writing this, I see a headline flashing across my screen saying that the police have capture a man matching the description of the alleged shooter(insert Oprah shrug). Let’s just be real, this was too sloppy to be the work of the government. Look at Dr. Sebi's own murder, I mean, death. That aligns more with how the government would go about it.

My point in all of this is, unless there is evidence, not speculation, that this was a government conspiracy, let’s just relax. The facts are there and if we use our critical thinking for one minute, we will come to the conclusion that this was nothing different than what happens in the hood every single day. It just happened to happen to someone who meant too much to us, to his community, to have gone out this way.

RIP Nipsey Hussle 💯