I've always considered myself as a helper, a giver. Even if it doesn't always translate well because I'm honest and blunt. In order for my attitude to adjust, I needed a kick in the ass from someone who I knew cared. And I knew he cared because he didn't sugar-coat the truth, I needed that. I became a better person and from that point forward, that's the approach I took with others.
I'm happy to surround myself with people who are honest even if it sucks to hear at times. I'd rather that than to be fed something false. I can't grow or develop that way.
Life began to become better when I started to become more accountable for my current state. I stopped looking for a handout and for the world to accept me, and I started going after the things that I wanted. And even though I'm not where I want to be just yet, I now understand the relationship between hard work, sacrifice, and success.
Personal progress has become a mission of mine and I hope to help others, not just with words or encouragement, but through my own actions and results.
The truth isn't always pretty, but it's necessary.
God bless.